Localauthorityfinances.com is brought to you by Dr. Gerard Turley and Stephen McNena from the School of Business and Economics at the University of Galway.

This website uses 2025 Budget data from:

26 County
3 City
2 City & County Councils

The site reflects the new Local Government structure that has been in place since the abolition of 80 Town Councils in 2014. The 31 Councils represented also include allocations for the Municipal Districts.

Please note that some local councils’ budgets are inflated because of shared services arrangements. The most notable examples  are Limerick City and County Council which operates the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Shared Services Centre on behalf of the all 31 local authorities and Dublin City Council which is the local lead authority in the Dublin region for homeless services (operating a shared service arrangement via the Dublin Region Homeless Executive) and for the fire service.

Continue to explore the activities funded by Local Authorities in Ireland.

  • Investigate your local council’s spending and revenue
  • Compare your council to the national average
  • Compare your council to a selection of other councils