Cork County

In 2022 Cork County Council has income of €372.5m or €1,122 per person. This is where it comes from:

Rates(€118.87m or 31.9% of Budget)

Charges levied on the owners of commercial properties based on their value.


Local Property Tax(€17.18m or 4.6% of Budget)

Discretionary Local Property Tax (minus LPT Self-Funding - see Grants & Subsidies where applicable)

Local Property Tax:

Goods & Services(€108.96m or 29.3% of Budget)

Charges, fines and levies for certain council services


Non-Principal Private Residence Charge:


Local Authority Contributions:

Agency Services & Repayable Works:

Library Fees/ Fines:

Recreation/ Amenity/ Culture:

Fire Charges:

Landfill Charges:

Commercial Refuse:

Domestic Refuse:

Sale/ leasing of other property/ Industrial Sites:

Planning Fees:

Irish Water:

Parking Fines/ Charges:

Housing Loans Interest & Charges:

Rents from Houses:

Grants & Subsidies(€123.40m or 33.1% of Budget)

Grants and subsidies received from central government to fund specific local activities and services.


Business, Enterprise and Innovation:

Agriculture, Food and the Marine:

Justice and Equality:

Transport, Tourism & Sport:

Arts Council:

Library Council:

Education and Skills:


Employment Affairs and Social Protection:


Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht:

TII Transport Infrastructure Ireland:

Rural & Community Development:

Communications, Climate Action & Environment:


Enterprise Ireland:

Children & Youth Affairs:


Housing and Building:

Road Transport and Safety:

Water Services:

Development Management:

Environmental Services:

Recreation and Amenity:

Agriculture, Education, Health & Welfare:

Miscellaneous Services:

LPT Self Funding:

Other(€4.13m or 1.1% of Budget)

Miscellaneous income.

Provision for Credit Balance:

Pension-Related Deduction: