Dun Laoghaire – Rathdown

In 2022 Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has a budget of €213.8m or €981 per person. This is how they spend it:

Housing (€64.50m or 30.2% of Budget)

Local Authority and Traveller Housing

Hap Programme:

Voluntary Housing Scheme:

Agency and Recoupable Services:

Housing Grants:

Housing Loans:

Rental Accommodation Scheme and Leasing Programme:

Support to Housing Capital Programme:

Administration of Homeless Service:

Social Housing Administration and Development:

Maintenance of Local Authority Housing:

Roads (€30.92m or 14.5% of Budget)

Maintaining local roads, public lighting and parking facilities

Road Maintenance:

Agency and Recoupable Services:

Support to Roads Capital Programme:

Car Parking:

Road Safety & Promotion:

Traffic Management:

Public Lighting:

Water (€12.48m or 5.8% of Budget)

Water supply and waste water management

Local Authority Water and Sanitary Services:

Agency and Recoupable Services:

Support to Water Capital Programme:

Administration of Group and Private Installations:

Public Conveniences:

Collection of Charges:

Waste Water Treatment:

Water Supply:

Development Management (€24.82m or 11.6% of Budget)

Planning, tourism and heritage, and local economic development

Agency and Recoupable Services:

Heritage & Conservation Services:

Property Management:

Enforcement & Building Control:

Unfinished Housing Estates:

Tourism Development & Promotion:

Development Management:

Local Economic Development:

Environmental Services (€33.03m or 15.5% of Budget)

Fire services, waste and litter management

Fire Prevention:

Climate Change and Flooding:

Water Quality, Air & Noise Pollution:

Fire Services:

Safety of Structures & Places:

Burial Grounds Maintenance:

Waste Management Planning:

Waste Regulations, Monitoring & Enforcement:

Clean Streets:

Provision of Waste to Collection Services:

Waste to Energy Facilities:

Recovery & Recycling Facilities:

Landfill Operation & Aftercare:

Recreation & Amenities (€33.63m or 15.7% of Budget)

Leisure services and libraries

Agency and Recoupable Services:

Arts Programme:

Community Sport & Recreational Development:

Outdoor Leisure Areas:


Leisure Facilities:

Other (€14.43m or 6.8% of Budget)

Administration of commercial rates and motor taxes, local representatives'' salaries and expenses

Agency and Recoupable Services:

Provisions for Balance:

Local Representatives:

Operation of Markets & Casual Trading:

Morgue & Coroner Expenses:

Franchise Costs:

Administration of Rates:

Educational Support Services:

Animal Welfare & Control:

Piers & Harbours: